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To wrap things up for 2013, we ended with a fourth ’Works on Paper’ sale, including a second selection from the Bex – De Deyne collection.

One of the most sought after items was a 1985 drawing by Bernar Venet (lot 1111) that sold for 5400 €, almost tripling it’s estimation. The audience, not being that numerous, clearly knew what it wanted and bought very decisevely. Two polaroids by Abramovic/ Ulay (lot 1136) from the early eighties, and given as a present to Flor Bex, sold for 2000 €, while a postal sculpture by Gilbert & George (lot 1076) was bought by an online bidder for a firm 1200 € and their ’Limericks’, a rare complete set with original envelopes, finally left the block for 3200 €. The wooden iconic sign ’Chaussures Icécé’ by Guillaume Bijl found a new owner for 1400 €, whereas an original drawing by Raoul De Keyser (lot 1052) ran up to 1800 €. The hottest items from this sale were the two internationally renowned artists, Wim Delvoye and Marcel Broodthaers.

The first one was presented by one of his earliest ’Cloaca’ bottles from 1999 (lot 1118), which left the house after a fierce battle to a telephone bidder for 6900 €. The sale ended with a small but very atractive Broodthaers drawing with a handwrittendedication to Flor Bex. This little precious item was sold online for a well earned 4200 €. A Rik Wouters drawing sold for 3200 €, alongside a very early set of prints ’Recherches’ by Luc Tuymans, being hammered at 2000 €.