October 24 at 2 pm: 600 – 1058
October 24 at 8 pm: 1102 – 1239
On view:
Thursday October 17 till October 20, from 10 am till 6 pm
Thursday October 17 from 10 am till 9 pm
Online from October 3 (daily upload from pictures)
On sale for 15 euros
On October 24 there is the first ’Work on paper’ sale of the fall, with a sale at 2 pm and one at 8 pm.
The first part consists of the more classic material with some refined prints on Antwerp, an engraved album by Pieter Nolpe showing the funeral of the Prince of Orange, prints by Fernand Khnopff, Floris Jespers, Walter Sauer, Jozef Peeters a.o.
We also offer a wide aray of drawings by artists such as: Emile Claus, Jules Schmalzigaug, Sam Dillemans …
It will be the drawing by Marthe Donas, with a breathtaking 1917 drawing called ’le tango’, and a private collection of Van Mieghem drawings that will draw much of the attention.
The second part of the sale will solely focus on Post War and Contemporary works on paper with artists such as:
Luc Tuymans, Wybrand Ganzevoort, Raymond Pettibon, Richard Tutle, Robert Indiana, Cady Noland, Guy Mees, Kati Heck, Rinus Van de Velde, Joseph Kounellis, Koen Van Den Broeck , Jan Fabre a.o.
On the evening session we also present a first selection from the collection of the former M HKA director Flor Bex with artists such as :
Gordon Matta-Clark, Guillaume Bijl, Jef Geys, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Marie-Jo Lafontaine, Luis Benedit, Panamarenko, Benni Efrat, Luc Deleu, Denmark, Jacques Charlier ……
Our December sale will offer a second selection from the same collection, with works by: Marcel Broodthaers, Bernar Venet, Marina Abramovic, Wim Delvoy, Ben Vautier, Gordon Matta-Clark, Fred Eerdekens ….