The autumn season at Bernaerts has started with an eclectic auction with the focus on Modern art.
Valuable objects from the Art Nouveau and Art Deco periods were represented with a.o. furniture by the Franck brothers (coffee table, lot 395, adj. € 8 000, a closet lot 394, adj.€ 5 000). Ten-piece dining room suite by Gustave Serrurier-Bovy (lot 390, adj. € 17 000), a composition by René Guiette from 1936 (lot 454, est. € 6 000 – 8 000, adj. € 22 000) and exceptional vases from Décorchement (lot 412, adj. € 6 500), Lalique (lot 423, adj. € 6 000) and Daum (lot 411, adj.
€ 5 000). As well 2 beautiful vases of Catteau (lots 353, 354) sold for resp. € 4 200 and € 4 000.
Two futuristic compositions from the Antwerp master Edmond Van Dooren were sold for € 8 000 a piece (lots 473, 474).
Other interesting lots from the interbellum period ‘Vue sur le port d’Ostende’ by Jean Brusselmans (lot 453, adj. € 8 500), a sight of Venice by Paul Leduc (lot 464, adj. € 6 500) and a watercolor from Frans Masereel from 1927 (lot 454, adj.
€ 9 000) were sold on the works on paper auction on Thursday.
Post-war artists as Luc Peire ('Golfe Guan’ (lot 605), est. €8 000-10000, adj. € 14 000), Michael Kidner (lot 496, adj. € 8 000) and Irwin Gwyther (lot 495, adj. € 6 000) from the Stuyvesant-collection, filled the catalogue on a worthy way.
Many of the Belgian abstracts by Gilbert Swimberghe, Gilbert De Cock, Dan Van Severen and Raoul De Keyser arose from a historically important collection of which the works on paper were sold on Wednesday in the catalogue ‘Collection Fontier’: Raoul De Keyser (lot 675, ajd. € 13 000), Luc Peire (lot 701, adj. € 9 500) and Dan Van Severen (lot 642, adj. € 22 000).
From other collections we highlight ‘Escarpolette III’, a canvas by Leonor Fini from 1970 (lot 253, adj. € 40 000) and a work from Sam Dillemans (lot 469, after Monet, adj. € 5 000).
In addition to these objects, a collection of exceptional and decorative furniture was offered comprising a cabinet in the 17th century style (lot 225, adj. 4 500€) as well as 19th and 20th century jewelry, a collection of pipes, silverware, bronze statues, porcelain and paintings on canvas and panel from a.o. Emile Claus, (lot 38, adj. € 7 500), Jean-Baptiste Huysmans (lot 48, est.: € 3 000-4 000, adj. € 15 000), Hendrik Turken (lot 29, adj. 2 500) or a beautiful historical painting from Antwerp made by Hendrik Schaeffels (lot 31, adj. € 10 000).
Sale dates:
October 9 -10 : Art & Antiquities | Modern Masters
October 11: Fontier Collection | Design
October 12: Works on paper
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